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Hey, hey.
I’m a Chicago wedding photographer who documents candidly.
Since 2008, I’ve found myself as a photographer who strives to capture life, in all of its twists + turns. I have two fancy pieces of paper that tell me: I graduated in May 2004 from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with a bachelor’s degree in art history and gender + women’s studies and completed a master’s degree in art education with a certification to teach in 2010. One day, I’d like to open a not-for-profit after-school art program because I owe my everything to those who taught me in such a setting at Chicago’s Gallery 37 in photography.
In addition to taking pictures, I am: the owner of The Made Fest, a handmade + vintage festival; madly in love with my husband; a co-founder of Smile Politely, a Champaign-Urbana local culture magazine and The Pygmalion Festival; a master gardener; an epicurean; and a mother. I used to take photos of consumed goods. I am a feminist and a LGBTIAQ ally.
I have no pretenses. I am who I am + you are who you are. I bet we have things in common that make us both laugh so hard, it hurts.